Benefits to Patients, Families and Healthcare Professionals
In hospitals and healthcare facilities, MeDiClowning creates a relaxed atmosphere that allows medical staff to perform their work while the MeDiClown relieves the stress of the patient.
MeDiClowning is an integrated and integral alternative therapy as it supports the patient to heal faster, reduces fear, treats them like a person and not a disease.
Always centred on supporting the patient, the role of MeDiClowns are multiple and multifaceted. While they bring smiles, laughter and entertainment, they are much more. Not only do they distract (consciously redirect) and ease emotional and physical pain, they also empower and relieve stress among patients, families and the entire medical team involved.
MeDiClowns give power and control to the patient. It is the patient who decides if he/she wants to interact with the MeDiClowns or not. Being able to say “no” in an otherwise powerless situation is therapeutic in itself.
When the patient gives permission to enter his/her room, the MeDiClowns start by observing who is in the room, for what reason, and what is happening. Being attentive to emotional tone of the room, they evaluate the needs of patients, family and medical staff at the present moment and act accordingly.

- In traumatic situations, such as a suicide attempt, sexual assault or death, the MeDiClown can work with the patient, family and staff to ease the pain and to de-stress
- By using inventive play, MeDiClowns support staff in stimulating patients to comply with rehabilitation programs
- With geriatrics, MeDiClowns can help to recreate and act out / perform the patient’s life through story and role-play, offering fun, dignity and a change in perception of their life
- During medical procedures, the MeDiClown may be called upon for a conscious redirection (distraction strategy) to ease the patient’s physical and emotional pain
Patients: the following benefits are experienced:
- Reduction of pain and stress perception
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Lightens up the fear of the unknown
- Channels nervous energy or built up tension into healthy expression
- Relief of fear anxiety and apprehension
- Humanizes challenging medical environments and interventions
- Allowing patients to express their unpleasant feelings in healthy way
- Interrupts blocked patterns that may be interfering with the healing journey

Medical teams
- Improves the communication between the patient and staff
- Assists in creating a more relaxed atmosphere between medical staff, patients and their families
- Supports patients and staff in receiving and giving bad news
- Empowers patients to handle a potentially helpless situation with grace and dignity
- Greater patient compliance in taking medications
- Assists medical staff to perform examinations and procedures
- Support health practitioners within a multitude of therapies
- Humanizes medical staff so the patients are not afraid of their doctors.
- Helps children to cope better with their medical condition
- Lowers anxiety during medical procedures
- Empowers children to handle a potentially threatening diagnosis with acceptance
- Provides children with a sense of control in a helpless situation
- Changes role perception between medical staff and patient
- Allows children to be children and to play despite their condition
- Encourages greater willingness to take their medication
- Reduces stress and fear during medical forensic examinations in sexual abuse cases

Geriatric Patients
- Reconnecting and grounding dementia patients with their current surroundings
- Improve communication with staff
- Brings back a sense of humour into difficult life and health conditions
- MeDiClowning is a powerful and complementary addition for chronic and degenerative conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and cancer
- Nursing staff report that MeDiClowning contributes to the reduction of patients’ aggressive behavior in nursing homes and enhances a more positive and happier attitude towards life.
*Did you know that patients with a sense of humor enjoy a 20 percent lower mortality rate in comparison to those who have difficulty laughing at daily events.
Now that you know some of the benefits of MeDiClowning, check out specific areas in Organizations, Education, and Services