What is MeDiClown Academy
MeDi, from medicina (latin)
the art of healing – transcending suffering and restoring wholeness
MeDiClown Academy is an integral approach to healing, well-being and life-long learning; bringing joy, love and laughter into daily living, in healthcare, education or corporate environments.
Throughout centuries, clowning is expressed through the jester, fool, shaman, Komali, Vedushka, or Vikatakavi and has always played a key role in healing individuals, communities and entire societies.
The role of the MeDiClown, is to make a heart connection with people of all ages and backgrounds, bringing joy and hope into lives, lightening up situations, stimulating play and laughter to ease stressful, difficult or painful circumstances.
As MeDiClown Academy, we provide specialized training programs to establish MeDiClowning as a recognized profession in India.
MeDiClown Academy collaborates with a variety of professionals from public and private organizations such as healthcare, education and corporate training. Our intention is to provide the best training and services to individuals and communities throughout India, and internationally.
I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and and behold, service was joy.